Thursday, October 18, 2018

The Great Halloween Giveaway!

Hi Everyone!

Thank you, Thank you to all who took the time to make a comment on my blog!  I so appreciate it!.  I loved reading through all the memories of favorite costumes and I hope you did too! Loved Brenda dressing up like an old lady at work, Bobbi as a table (now that's creative), and Denise with the "real cowgirl" costume!  Again, thank you for taking the time to post a memory!

We have a winner in The Great Halloween Giveaway!!
Megan, please email at to claim your prize!

I promised I would share my favorite costume.  My mom normally made my costumes but one year she actually bought one.  I believe I was about 6 yrs old that year.  
Now you might think this was taken on Halloween but you would be wrong.  My parents anniversary is Oct 18th and this particular year they had a party.  I was in my bedroom (where I was supposed to be during the party) but then the party was wrapping up and I decided at some point to put my costume on and wonder out to the living room.  I was sure nobody would even notice me...
I told this silly story to Tim last year and shared the actual picture with him we met up for a production meeting.  A few weeks later, this came in the mail.  Such a fun memory of parents who have passed on and party I wasn't supposed to be at.  All brought to mind by a found photo and a good friend (and a great boss).

now carry on,


  1. Fantastic! Absolutely love the story and adore the fact that Tim was able to find the exact costume in the box! <3

  2. I so remember the costumes in the box with the celafane to see the costume

  3. Great story and wonderful gift from Tim!
    And congrats to Megan nice score!!!

  4. Congrats Megan. Love the story about the party...and who else but Mr Vintage stuff would be able to find that costume 😍

  5. What a delightful, delightful time to have “brought back”... Tim is one, cool fella, that’s for sure! Congratulations to Megan for HER Lucky Day fun!

  6. Love this story Paula, thanks for sharing it with us. ❤️

  7. Love everything about this Paula, your story, your picture and that Tim found this for you. 😍😍😍

  8. What a great story. Thanks for sharing it with us all. And what a very thoughtful gesture of Mr Holtz! Congratulations Megan :-)

  9. What a fabulous story! thank you so much for sharing it with us x

  10. Yep, that boss of yours is a very special guy indeed!
    Congrats to Megan on your win!

  11. I love this story and a true act of kindness and thoughtfulness by a real gent! Congratulations Megan! Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful memory Paula, these fun and special moments are what make us whole. xxx

  12. What a wonderful memory and even more wonderful boss! Thank you for sharing, Paula! Congratulations Megan!

  13. Ahh, what a wonderful story Paula and a lovely gesture on Tim's part too! Congratulations to Megan... xx

  14. Such a great memory!!! And what a sweet thing for Tim to do!!!

  15. What a sweet story! You have one fine boss too... What a lovely way to connect the past to the present!

  16. Congrats to the winner!
    Thanks for sharing your Halloween memory with us and that you’re able to enjoy it.

  17. wow! I can't believe he found the costume! That is so cool! =D Congrats to Megan and thanks again for the pumpkin tutorial Paula.

  18. Paula-Loved the story- Tim’s great! Janet

  19. How absolutely sweet of Tim! Such a great story Paula, I had to chuckle at the thought that you believed you would just be unrecognizable in your costume...too cute!...TFS!

  20. What a wonderful story Paula and how thoughtful and amazing that Tim was able to find your childhood Halloween costume! Congratulations to Megan, have fun creating with all those wonderful Tim goodies! Deb xo

  21. I assume you were noticed Paula! LOL What a fantastic memory to share. Huge congratulations to Meghan on winning that fabulous prize haul xx

  22. How cool is that?!! Thank you for sharing your story! And what a guy, that Tim, to send you that great costume, and stir up the memories!

    Congratulations to Meghan on her lucky win and thank you, Paula for the prize, the pumpkin tutorial and gathering everyone here to share their memories. It was fun to read through them!

  23. Oh my goodness, I can't believe Tim found that!!! What a great story!

  24. Such a great story! Congrats to the lucky day winner!

  25. I soooo remember those costumes!!! I had a crow (from a cartoon) the year I remember most.
    Happy Anniversary to ur parents!!! That’s my Birthday!! (& yes- it was a Happy one for me!)
    Congratulations to the WINNER: an AWESOME package!!!

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