Today Deb and I and our sisters were up at the crack of dawn (literally) to head out to Quanah, TX to a junk store that rivals the one we visited in Australia earlier this year. About 3 hours from Forth Worth, Quanah is in a long line of VERY small towns that you pass on your way from Forth Worth to Amarillo (assuming you wanted to go to Amarillo).
This place is right on highway's easy to spot because of all the junk outside. I think the pictures will speak better than any words on this one. Here we go...
On the road to Quanah. Look at how low the clouds are to the ground. The landscape goes on like this for miles and miles. Just beautiful.
big sky of Texas |
We stopped at a VERY nice rest stop on the way. This was the sign going in...there was another one right by the playground.
Sure, go play kids, but watch out for the rattlesnakes"
Inside the rest stop was this sign...something you never see in California. We have enough problems with the earthquakes and fires.
Deb and the sisters going are not going to believe this place. I must admit I only took pictures in part of the building...there is MUCH more here than what the pictures show. It's one of those "see it to believe it" places.
Rows and rows of stuff. All meticulously catagorized and priced. It was hotter than Hades in there and the mosquitoes were swarming around our feet, but that wasn't going to stop us from looking.
pool balls $2 |
shoe forms $3-5 |
giant tubs of marbles |
dishes and glasses |
bottles, ink wells by the dozen |
a whole outside area of junk |
There was a huge shed building that had a gate that was closed. My sister asked if it was open and the man said,
"I'm just too lazy to open it today". So, we didn't get to go in the shed.
We all walked away with something (I'll try and take some pictures tomorrow)...I do know Ellen got this metal thing. She asked the man what it was and he said,
"I forget", she bought it anyway. Patty got cigar boxes and a small license plate with her name. Deb got a fabulous tomato pin pushion full of old hat pins (for $3.98). I got more cigar boxes for my junk, some small leather books, and a whole group of small bottles with little red labels (and maybe some other bits). All in all it was a fun day other than the fact that after we left the junk place we had to drive directly to the local grocery store for some Benadryl for my mosquito bites!
Tomorrow were going east to McKinney, TX.
I'll let you know what we find...