Thanks everyone for posting their favorite local store. I'm happy to say that I have even been to some of the them. One of the stores mentioned in the comments was Patina Green which segues nicely into today's post on McKinney, TX. I have have been to McKinney once before and knew what a fun place it was, so last Wednesday morning my sister and I headed out for another adventure. McKinney is across the metroplex from my sisters home. We were getting close to our exit, when my sister looked in her rear view mirror and said to me, "don't look now, but we are being followed by a hotdog". What? a hotdog? When I turned around I saw what she meant and then we both burst into laughter. The kind where tears are coming out and you can't catch a breath.

Of course the laughing did not help since I couldn't hold my phone still.
A great way to start the day!
Bye hot dog car! Till we meet again!
After all that, we missed the exit and had to loop back around but it was worth the detour to get a good picture. Once into town we found a parking place between Louisiana and Virginia streets right on the main square. I love how the old buildings have been converted to stores and restaurants but the old signage remains.
We headed for Virginia st. since that is where all my favorite stores are. A quick stop into The Flea for some vintage glitter then on to Homepieces for a look around.
Down at the end of the street is the Antique Company Mall which is a favorite. Some of the booths I loved the first time around are not there anymore but there was still plenty to choose from.
Then across the street to Letterpress Paper Goods.

Jason McDaniel, the owner of Missing Q Press was in class the previous Saturday to make the Gilded Christmas Box and mentioned he had a shop in McKinney. What fun to be able to see inside. He even showed us around the backroom where all the presses are and explained how he used each one.
Of course I loved all the vintage type drawers and suitcases.These pictures do not do the small shop justice.
I found this super short video on the Missing Q Press Facebook page that shows the parts of the letterpress process. I thought you might like to see how the vintage presses at work.
Missing Q Press from Sandy Mozur on Vimeo.
Here's Jason behind the counter at his shop. Do you not love that little glass case with the etched curved glass on the counter? We had a discussion about how wonderful it is to be looking for something for a long time and then suddenly come upon it (and at a reasonable price). Thank You Jason for the tour of your shop and your kind demeanor. I am glad we stopped in to say Hello!
Next door to Jason is a stunning shop appropriately called My Favorite Room.
See what I mean?
I have never seen a sleigh for one! It was still covered in the original fabric. Notice the very small (seriously child size) fur covered seat at the back? I am guessing the driver would sit there to hold the reins and steer the sleigh. What a wonderful piece.
All the trees were decorated with unique items...this one had vintage metal purses and old cream colored shoes.
My Favorite room was eye candy at every turn. Just fabulous.
Now up the street and around the corner onto Tennessee to Patina Green Home and Market, our favorite place to have lunch. I will admit, much of this store has turned into food goods like bottled jars of jam and vegetables (not in the same jar though) but it was no less beautiful. The front of the shop has some fun displays that incorporate a huge chalkboard wall that was hard to take your eyes off of. I love how the wire birdcage was screwed directly to the wall.
Patina Green is a farm to table establishment where the menu changes depending on the season and availability. Of course we had lunch!
Today's sandwich was ham with smoked cheddar cheese, jalapeno peach jam on jalapeno cheddar loaf. Wow, was it good!
After lunch we walked around the rest of the square. I picked up a few things at another small antique store...lost a few things (yardsticks I bought in the first store were left somewhere and I didn't notice till we were back home, darn it). One of my favorite purchases of the day was this $16 group photo to add to my collection. I LOVE when the photo has information written on it. This one is from Nathaniel Hawthorne Jr High School. The photo was taken January 1940.
I said in the last post I would give some goods away if you told me your favorite store. Here are the goods and here is the winner! Thanks to all who commented.
Cheryl C
I swooned over that lavender wall with the spring bulbs theme! ...and I
don't even care that much for lavender, but it was so pale and just
I was captivated by a new (I think) place I found in Tucson called Lion'sGate Antiques. Many times smaller than your find but ever so good. They even had a large stainless steel table that reminded me of a laboratory the last time I was there and it would have been mine except I have no place for it. [hear the sound of tears falling...] Thanks so much for sharing your places with us.
I was captivated by a new (I think) place I found in Tucson called Lion'sGate Antiques. Many times smaller than your find but ever so good. They even had a large stainless steel table that reminded me of a laboratory the last time I was there and it would have been mine except I have no place for it. [hear the sound of tears falling...] Thanks so much for sharing your places with us.
Cheryl C - please email your shipping address to me at and I will get the goods out to you!
I will be back on Friday with my Houston Quilt Market report...oh, and maybe another giveaway...because you know I couldn't come home empty handed!
carry on!
carry on!